


Doctors Warn About Dangers of Genetically Modified Food

Thursday, February 25, 2010
by: David Gutierrez, staff writer

(NaturalNews) The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has warned that the public should avoid genetically modified (GM) foods, stating, "There is more than a casual association between GM foods and adverse health effects. There is causation."
A large number of studies and incidents have implicated GM foods in a wide variety of health problems, including accelerated aging, immune dysfunction, insulin disorders, organ damage and reproductive disruption.
For example, female rats fed a diet of GM soy experienced a drastically higher infant death rate, and their surviving infants were smaller and less fertile than the offspring of rats fed on a non-GM soy diet. Male rats fed the GM soy had their testicles change from pink to blue, and the GM soy was also observed to damage the DNA of sperm and embryos. Fertility problems such as abortion, infertility, premature delivery, prolapsed uteri, infant death, and even delivery of unformed infants (bags of water) have been observed in farm animals fed GM cottonseed and corn.
例如,雌性老鼠餵食轉基因大豆的飲食,經驗急劇地較高的嬰兒死亡率,倖存的嬰兒體積較小和繁殖力較弱,双對其它老鼠的後代餵以非轉基因大豆的飲食。雄性老鼠餵食以轉基因大豆,其睾丸出現變化,從粉紅色到藍色,和轉基因大豆亦被觀察到破壞 精子和胚胎的DNA,生育問題如墮胎、不育、早產、子宮脫垂、嬰兒死亡,和甚至生產未成形嬰兒(水袋),已經在農場餵以轉基因棉籽和玉米的動物中被觀察到。
Animals consuming crops that have been genetically modified to produce the pesticide Bt (approved for human consumption in the United States) have died by the thousands, while animals grazing on a non-GM version of the same crops remained unharmed. Upon autopsies, researchers have found black patches in the animals' livers and intestines, internal bleeding and other signs of Bt poisoning. Farm workers in India have begun developing allergic reactions upon handling Bt corn, similar to the effects experienced by people exposed to Bt spraying.
動物食用作物已被基因改變去生產 殺蟲劑 Bt(在美國核准供人食用)已經死亡數以千計,而動物放牧在非轉基因版本的同一作物仍安然無恙。解剖後,研究人員發現有黑塊在動物的肝和腸、內部出血和其它 Bt中毒的跡像,在印度的農場工人在處理Bt玉米上,已經開始出現過敏反應 ,類似暴露在Bt噴灑的人所經歷的影響 。
In addition to these risks, GM soy and corn contain significantly higher concentrations of allergens than unmodified varieties. Evidence also suggests that the genetic abnormalities of GM foods may transfer to bacteria in the human gut, thereby exposing people to their detrimental effects long after a food has been consumed.

Yet in spite of all this evidence and the prevalence of GM crops in the U.S. food supply not a single clinical trial of any GM crop has ever been published.

"The experiments simply haven't been done and we now have become the guinea pigs," said Canadian geneticist David Suzuki. "Anyone that says, 'Oh, we know that this is perfectly safe,' I say is either unbelievably stupid or deliberately lying."

Sources for this story include: http://www.sentienttimes.com/.


基因改造作物 '能導致肝和腎損害'

